Sunday, April 28, 2013

a bit of everything

Kinsley has finished her art class this year and made many adorable pieces.  In lieu of framing them all or storing them in a drawer I decided to make a shutterfly book to display them.  

This picture of Caroline makes her look so independent as she peddles along.   Take a closer look at what she keeps in her storage compartment.   

The girls got a huge surprise when Grandma Jane and Gramps came to visit....cousin June!  
She is such a great kiddo and we absolutely adored having her here!   

 Grandparents in town means a date night.  

The weather has been insanely beautiful which means the backyard usually has at least one person in pink out playing.  
 We are thrilled to have our first garden.  Each girl is in charge of a certain number of square feet with their own veggies to take care of.   I can't wait for our first harvest!

This is one of the best investments ever.  I was so tired of nameless water glasses being left around.  Now each girl has their own and can refill whenever they want.  found here.

Some things are worth gluing back together.  Especially if it contains a little handprint.

Springtime means all our animal friends are back.

This is our friend, Lizzy.  She lives in the garage and is like a member of the family.  It was cracking me up when the girls would put her on the bike wheel and spin her around.  

We are giving about a 35% effort into potty training.  Here Caroline needed to sport every pair of her new undies.  

And, here is one sister feeling like a goof and the other showing her disapproval.

Friday, April 26, 2013

new roommates

Kinsley's 7th birthday present was her own room (pictures to come soon).   Thus, Caroline and Hallie have become roomies.   We wanted the new arrangement to be special for them and we were bored to pieces of the old decor so we did a little update for them too.   Below are pictures of the most frugal redo I have ever done.  Just about everything was either found in our storage, craigslist, or clearance racks.   

The picture below perfectly captures why this arrangement will work.   There is no doubt that Hallie's love language is physical touch.  She is ridiculously affectionate and nurturing toward Caroline and it will be sweet to see these two grow their friendship as time goes on.   

 I was shocked that Ben got more weepy than me as he disassembled Caroline's crib.   He kept circling back to the significance of what he was doing.   7 years of baby memories.  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

5 years old. five.

a birthday interview with hallie ann:

how old are you?  five
what is your favorite color?  pink and purple
who is your best friend?  k-i-n-s-l-e-y (she spelled it for me)
what is your favorite animal?  giraffe
what do you want to be when you grow up?  a doctor
what is your favorite movie?  wreck it ralph
what is your favorite book?  cinderella  
what makes you happy?  when people tickle me
what makes you sad?  when we don't have special treat saturday
what is your most favorite food to eat?  pizza
what food do you dislike the very most?  spaghetti and chicken
what is your favorite song to sing?  hosanna rocks
what games do you like to play?  headbands, zingo, charades, quirkle 
what is your favorite thing to do outside?  ride my bike
what is your favorite thing to do with mommy?  go on walks, play some games
what is your favorite thing to do with daddy?  wrestle

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

the picture above is typical...caroline can't take a serious picture and kinsley is unhappy with the less than perfect conditions of the sun being in her eyes.   

another try.  hallie's tongue will have to do.   

my parents came!!  brunch downtown was a huge treat.